Monday, July 11, 2005


Following up Saturday's post, good news from the Government of Canada:
The Canadian government revoked a disgraced Aboriginal leader's membership in the Order of Canada Monday.

David Ahenakew was stripped [of] his membership after being convicted Friday of willfully promoting hatred against an identifiable group. He was convicted for telling a reporter in Saskatoon on Dec. 13, 2002, that the Jews were a "disease" and Hitler was trying to "clean up the world" when he "fried six million of those guys" during the Second World War.

Fittingly, the Globe also has news from the opposite end of the moving-on spectrum:
Ottawa — Prime Minister Paul Martin must decide soon who will replace Gov. Gen. Adrienne Clarkson and observers say it must be someone with political savvy.

Ms. Clarkson is recuperating in Toronto after a weekend operation to implant a pacemaker to regulate her heartbeat.

Her Excellency has had a remarkable run as head of state; she's brought dignity and intelligence to her incredibly active role. Unlike David Ahenakew, she represents the best our country has to offer.


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